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A Little Bit of Happy June 26, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
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I’m deep int he throes of thesis work, which I’m sure is what makes this comic funnier.

Some Observations About the World Cup (Part 1) June 21, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
  • Uruguay has an epic national anthem that goes on FOREVER.  It also has, like, a 30 second intro.
  • Not to be crass, but I’m always surprised about how many white people live in South Africa.  I think it is a shame that Americans of my generation are more versed in WWII than they are Apartheid, the latter of which ended just before I was born.  Seriously, US education system.  Get your act together.  There’s no reason I should have first heard of this IN COLLEGE.
  • ¡Viva la raza!
  • I’m pretty sure the World Cup ball really *does* suck, and it’s not just France and Spain whining about it.  The players seem shocked by what it does, and I’ve never seen so many altitude shots on goal.  I mean, you get those a lot, but these are practically going into the stratosphere.
  • I want a vuvuzela so bad.  Someone get me one.
  • I’ve never seen so many Oscar worthy performances in my life.  Anything to get the yellow card.
  • I don’t know if England’s goalie is every going to get to go home after that dork of a save against the US that gave us a goal.  Seriously.  I hear the man is getting absolutely lampooned back in the homeland.  Whoops.
  • Univision coverage is so much better than ESPN3’s.  You don’t even have to speak Spanish to enjoy it more.  I mean, seriously, tune in if only for the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
  • Brazilian soccer players are the worst about falling down and rolling around on the ground.  I have never in my life seen so much writhing around in pain and clutching at extremities, only to have the player hop up and start running five seconds later.
  • Sucks to be that Mali referee from the US vs. Slovenia match.  That was his World Cup debut, and I would bet a million bucks it was also his exit performance.

June 18, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
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Seriously, Nintendo. I mean, your graphics are already third tier, and with the Kinect and PSMove, you’re running out of options! I mean, when everything has a WiiMote, what is your hook? Your snag? YOUR GIMMICK?!

I highly recommend you start packaging one of these musicians with every new Wii console sold starting the next fiscal year. It would be even better if they were kids, because they’d be a) cheaper to ship and b) more compact for storage (look, the PS3 slim is already cramping your style in that category).

This video made my Friday. Enjoy!

I’m Lovin’: Dual Chambered Water Bottle June 16, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
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So, we all know that my heart belongs to the Thinksport, so much so that I’ve considered buying nothing but Thinksports for everyone on my Christmas list this year.  And I sleep with mine, all the time.  Seriously.  That’s how much I love them.

But perhaps you’re indecisive.  I mean, it’s hard to figure out what to put in your bottle every morning, amirite?  Do you need some high quality H-TWO-OH, or perhaps you think you’ll need the electrolyte goodness of Gatorade.  Juice or lemonade?  Vodka or wine cooler?  Decisions, decisions.

My indecisive friend, rescue is upon you in the form of the HydraDuo Water Bottle. If this graphic is to be believed, then you could possibly own AWESOME:

Double The Fun.

Two chambers, each color coded so you don’t get confused as to the contents (there is nothing worse than getting a mouthful of water when you think it’s Sprite).  It looks easy to clean, and the best part is that it’s BPA free.

It’s Not Dead! June 14, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
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Growin' like a weed.

Remember how I told you that I was growing a garden?  Remember how I said it would probably be dead by now?  Well…it’s not!  I took this two weeks ago and the lettuce has tripled in size.  I also have three little bitty roma tomatoes coming on!

The garlic is a new addition. Also, this is a "pepper photobomb"

My cilantro is dainty and adorable.

Look how much bigger it's gotten.

Here’s To Two Years June 7, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.

My Shutterbug.

God, I love this man.

BookLust: A Tale of Two Cities June 5, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in BookLust, Life List.
1 comment so far

I read this one a while back, but it’s taken me a while to get around to posting the review.  If you’re interested, this was on the BBC Top 100 list.

Let me say, I entered this reading expecting a lot.  I’m not a Dickensonian or anything like that (is that what they’re even called?), but I really, really liked Great Expectations.  I mean, A LOT.  Let’s just get this out of the way now: A Tale of Two Cities is not Great Expectations.  Not even close.

The plotline itself is interesting enough and centers around the French Revolution.  The main character has been imprisoned in the Batille for years and reenters the world a changed, desolate man.  Only finding his long lost daughter can bring him out of his revere, but he finds himself pitched back into chaos.  The story moves from England to France and back to England in parallel storylines, which can get confusing at times; overall, though, I found the book easy to navigate.

The main problem is that, for being about the French Revolution, the book is just so incredibly dull.  We see little of Dickens’ wit here, and compared to Great Expectations, it’s practically nonexistent.  Even more problematic was how heavy-handed Dickens was here.  He practically bashes the reader over the head with his “Pro-England, the French are savages” message.  There’s little delicacy, and I found myself balking at Dickens’ agenda here.

2 out of 5 stars (not Dickens’ best)

Fun Color Personality Test June 2, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.

Today I killed some time taking this color personality test.  It’s simple, easy, and (dare I say it) fairly accurate.  I’ve put up my results; what type of person are you?

Your Profile :

You are 52 % extrovert and 48 % introvert.

Independently of any order of importance :

You are a leader, you know how to organize the groups of persons and give them your energy.

You are also intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action.

Finally you are creative, you always have new ideas, and your inspiration comes from the inside.

Understanding of your Environment:

At first, at 36%, you are centered on your thoughts and your actions are determined by your knowledge and your experience.

Then, at a ratio of 36%, you are attached to moral values and feelings, and you have an emotional relation with the environment.

Finally, at 27%, you are focused on the facts and on the reality, and your decisions are determined by your perception of facts.

How You Assert Yourself:

Your ideas
Your relations

Also, the bonds that you created with your family and friends represent 55% of your core emotions. Your creativity, your openness and your need to open up to renewal in your life have also an impact of 44%.

Your inspiration
Your family

Finally, your actions are determined by your will and your personal goals at a ratio of 53%. In 46% of the cases you take into account your own sensibility and your partner’s.

Your will power
Your sensibility

Keys To Your Personality At This Time:

At 23%:  You are a manager and a leader, and you know how to organize groups of people and how to give them your energy.

At 20%:  You are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals.

At 20%:  You are intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action and setting your values.

At 18%:  You are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.

At 17%:  You are open and good communicator, you know how to attract people and engage them.

Finally, you are a creative person, with always new ideas, and you know how to apply them, you are creative, you know how to see beauty, you are intuitive and your inspiration comes from the inside.

So Now What Do We Do? June 1, 2010

Posted by A. Robinson in Life.
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Oh, so you heard that BP’s top kill method of plugging up the giant oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico didn’t work?  I’m assuming that you weren’t distracted by what is effectively the beginnings of The Korean War Part Deux Only With China This Time or that little tidbit of Israel Going Batcrap Insane And Boarding A Turkish Aid Flotilla In International Waters And Killing Some Folks (sidenote: John and I don’t agree on Israel.  He’s an Israeli sympathizer whereas I think their failure to compromise makes them big bullies).

Anyhoo, there’s still oil pumping into the Gulf of Mexico.  Just a little bit.  Over the weekend, BP announced that they’re going to cut below the damaged pipe to get a clean surface, then try to put another containment vessel on top of the leak.  You know, like that containment vessel that didn’t work the first time.  As of this morning, Gizmodo is reporting that this new method of correction could put 20% oil into the Gulf. Since BP has done such a wonderful, bang-up job so far, I think it’s safe to assume that we’ll be seeing a lot more oil in the Gulf of Mexico in the next few days.  Let’s just pray that those relief wells get dug sooner rather than later.

Sorry dolphins, sea turtles, and various avian life.  It was nice knowing you.